Saturday, September 8, 2012

New challenges!!!!

I am going to start school next month as long as paper goes through.  And I should be moving next month as well.  And yet I think this month I need some challenges in life things to push me to continue to improve myself.

So I joined two Challenges that start tomorrow!  One is the

You can click to photo to read about the Readathon.

Put basically you read as many books as you can that fit the theme and since I have gotten so many free on amazon that I want to read I can't wait to do this!!  I will blog about them with a mini review and keep count I am hoping to read at least 1 book a day,  this is next to my school work, homeschooling my one child and just being mommy and a wife.  I really hope that I can get 2 books a day in if not more.  But who am I kidding I have family that needs me.

My other challenge is 

Click photo to read the post about the challenge

I love that this is call Get off your broom challenge!  I also love that it's about all around health and wellness!  And I love that we are to tie in the 5 elements.  Air, Water, Earth, Fire, and Spirit.  I have spent all day coming up with goals for these elements and I am going to share them with you.  I am going to change them up every week or so.  So here are my goals:

* For the Element Water: This one is simple I am going to just aim to drink more water every day.  I suck in this part of health and wellness even though I need to drink more.  So my goal is to add  more to my diet.  Then next week it will be to replace one drink with water!

* For the Element Earth: This one is simple as well it's to spend more time outside and communing with the earth.  I hope to do some school work outside.  Play with my children outside.  Walk barefoot in the yard and feel the energy from the earth.  Walk my little Coco around the block every night stuff like that.  I will change this goal probably next week.

* For the Element Fire:  This one is where the work is. The overall goal is to raise my energy levels!  This one includes aiming to be in bed by 11pm every single night!  No more staying up late to read to 3 am in the morning.  I have a goal of 30 minutes of working out no less than three times a week.  I am also hoping to have at least one of these work outs be a hot work out or hot yoga!

* For the Element Air:  This one was hard believe it or not.  I mean working on breathing seems to be like the smart choice.  But I think I am going to work on breathing with meditation but that doesn't seem to be enough.  I think one thing I need to work on is controlling my emotions better.  The reason I placed this under air is that they seem to change like the wind.  And while you can control air or wind I would like to try and at least control my emotions better.

* For the Element Spirit:  This one is something I have been trying to do.  Get in touch with my spiritual self more.  Focus on enriching my soul.  So that's my goal to do one thing every day that enriches my soul and spiritual self!  I think this should be fun and I hope to learn more about myself at the same time. 

So that's it these are my goals and challenges for the next week for reading and the next few weeks with the fitness one.  I will work on improving my whole self and not just one part of me.  I hope to keep up with it while we move.  I know it will be hard when we are on the road for a week.  But I am up to the challenge.  I hope that you will join me.  And if not I would love to have you encourage me while I do this.  This is a start to a new me.  Which is great as my family is about to have a new start in life after the military!  It is time! (from Lion King)

Thank you for reading this!


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